... shifting the perspective from the built architectural material into the sphere of the possible . real - real . not always consciously percieved . yet existent . sometime ineffable

Recently finished a one-year research, residency and exhibition platform with base in the eternal, acting in three European regions, connected especially by )post(migrational histories. My current work deals with the site and architecture of a former radio - the RFE.


[2020] - Ongoing Student of Olaf Nicolai, AdBK Munich, Germany
[2024] Meisterschülerin )Master Student( of Olaf Nicolai
[2024] Guest Student of Olja Triaška Stefanović, AFAD Bratislava, Slovakia
[2024] Guest Student of Dirk Fleischmann, AdBK Munich, Germany

[2022] International Summer Academy, Salzburg, Austria
[2019] Making Futures School, Raumlabor, Berlin, Germany

[2018] MA Architecture, TU Munich, Germany
[2015-2018] Student of Jacob van Rijs, Stephan Trüby, Andreas Hild


[2024] ⋮ Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich, Germany [current]
[2024] ⋮ Hani i 2 Roberteve, Prishtina, Kosovo
[2024] Soulad, Lidická Galerie, Lidice/Prag, Czech Rep.
[2024] ⋮ Galeria e Bregdetit, Vlora-Radhime, Albania
[2024] Runaway Process, Akademie Galerie, Munich, Germany
[2023] Untitled, Kunstarkaden, Munich, Germany
[2023] Apex Stones, Super BOOKS, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
[2023] “adaptable, repeatable, changeable”, AdBK, Munich, Germany
[2023] Hier Hear, Kunstverein Singen, Singen, Germany
[2023] Activation Tankstelle, Sendling, Munich, Germany
[2022] Studio?Practices?(Arbeitstitel), Kunsthaus Dahlem, Berlin, Germany
[2022] You are the flower in my garden on the melancholy hill, Kulturetage Messe-West, Munich, Germany
[2022] so yet so close, Milchstraße 4, Munich, Germany [duo]
[2022] I did not see it coming, Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich, Germany
[2021] ReStART, Im Zentrum/V centru, Jeseník, Czech Rep.


[2024] Project Funding ⋮ Kulturreferat, Munich, Germany
[2024] Project Funding ⋮ Goethe Zentrum, Prishtina, Kosovo
[2024] Project Funding ⋮ Goethe Zentrum, Tirana, Albania
[2024] Project Funding ⋮ BBK Verbindungslinien, Munich, Germany
[2024] Bayhost Stipend, Regensburg, Germany
[2024] Jubiläumspreis-Stipendien-Stiftung, Nomination, AdBK Munich, Germany
[2023] Foreign Students-Stipend, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Germany
[2023] Oskar-Karl-Forster-Stipend, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Germany
[2023] Project Funding ⋮ Akademie Verein, Munich, Germany
[2022] Stipend for International Summer Academy Salzburg, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Germany
[2016] Erasmus+, TU Munich, Germany
[2015] Project Funding °kruzok, Emil Belluš Fund, Bratislava, Slovakia


[2024] e-flux Education
[2024] Artguide – Artforum International
[2024] Artalk – Soulad v Lidické galerii, ArtLab, na zahradě
[2022] kubaparis.com I Did Not See It Coming
[2023] Apex Stones, Andrea Veselá and Martin Huber, supported by Super BOOKS - Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
[2023] Tankstelle, Andrea Veselá, Elisabeth Hofstetter, Vera Niess, supported by Akademieverein, Super BOOKS - Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
[2023] Kontingentale, Kontingent Kollektiv, Munich, Germany
[2022] I did not see it coming, daily dialogue, supported by Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich, Germany


[2023] All stories at least are not the same: dis:connectivities in global knowledge production, global dis:connect, Munich, Germany
[2023] Workshop Translation and Theft, Shanzhai Lyric, Munich, Germany
[2021] Workshop The State Of Being In the In-Between, Rabih Mroué, Munich, Germany
[2020] Workshop Planetary Personhood, Nonhuman Nonsense, diffrakt, Berlin, Germany
[2019] Workshop Acid Bodies, Euna Kim, ZK/U Berlin, Germany
[2019] Making Futures School, Haus der Statistik, Raumlabor, Berlin, Germany