The simultaneous punctuation mark, ⋮ — also referred to as vertical ellipsis1 in mathematics — is typically reserved for marking a missing term in a matrix that reads from top to bottom. Where a single value is unknown or general duration to be suggested, the three vertical dots will appear. In narrative fiction2, time allocates itself simultaneously to both sides of the mark.

⋮ is a nomadic residency platform revolving around the interception of ten young artists and interdisciplinary practitioners who, having not had contact with each other beforehand, work within an open, itinerant and process-based exhibition structure in Albania, Kosovo and Germany.

1 The term originates from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis meaning 'leave out'.
2 With the invented application he suggests for this mark, Samuel R. Delany proposed an impossibility: that the reader take in two or more actions in the English language’s typical left-to-right reading order, but, in recognising the mark separating these actions, understand that they occur in perfect sync with one another, and not side-by-side in a narrative timeline.