⋮ residency and exhibition series (curatorial)

The simultaneous punctuation mark, ⋮ — also referred to as vertical ellipsis1 in mathematics — is typically reserved for marking a missing term in a matrix that reads from top to bottom. Where a single value is unknown or general duration to be suggested, the three vertical dots will appear. In narrative fiction2, time allocates itself simultaneously to both sides of the mark.

⋮ is a nomadic residency platform revolving around the interception of ten young artists and interdisciplinary practitioners who, having not had contact with each other beforehand, work within an open, itinerant and process-based exhibition structure in Albania, Kosovo and Germany.

1 The term originates from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis meaning 'leave out'.
2 With the invented application he suggests for this mark, Samuel R. Delany proposed an impossibility: that the reader take in two or more actions in the English language’s typical left-to-right reading order, but, in recognising the mark separating these actions, understand that they occur in perfect sync with one another, and not side-by-side in a narrative timeline.

⋮ is developed by Andrea Veselá and Martin Huber in exchange with Elian Stefa, Fabio Toska, Nita Zeqiri, Fitore Isufi Shukriu, Lisa Britzger, Rosa Luckow and Tesa Kabashi. The project is supported by Akademieverein, BBK Bayern, Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, BAYHOST, Kulturreferat München, Goethe Zentrum Tirana, Goethe Zentrum Prishtina and ZoomEuropa | documentation by Ludwig Neumayr | graphic design by Levin Jaensch, Nicolas Marino, Nikolai Rusu | Galeria e Bregdetit x Hani i Dy Robertëve | Lothringer 13 Halle