[2024]"He is weary and yet ravenously hungry, with a kind of morbid need to sleep as the sixth hour is drawing near - the fearful hour of noon. At that time, he keeps on watching the sun, judging that its decline toward the horizon is too slow." An adaptation and research in process on the phenomena described in the "Noon Complex" by Roger Caillois in 1937 - "In ancient Greece, noon was in fact the hour of transition marking the boundary between the reign of the Uranian and of the infernal gods, the time when shade is at a low point, and thus when the exposed soul is most vulnerable to dangers of all kinds, the hour when the dead make their appearance - they who cast no shadow." In slavic pagan beliefs, there are specters that appear at noon causing death or heat stroke - the specters which made people rest in these hours. Another reference Caillois mentions is the malady called accedia - common among medieval monks, appearing at noon, drawing the monks from their undertaken paths. It can be translated as carelessness and indifference and misinterpreted as depression in contemporary time. The projection shows a visual entry into a moment from a boat trip to the Sazan Island in Albania - former military island destined to be the next luxury travel destination. | 2 channel projection of videoscans, 10 mins in loop at Lothringer 13 Halle Munich as part of ⋮ residency and exhibition platform